I’m attempting to create an offset of a polycurve for the purpose of clipping a view. The problem is that the new polycurve has a small gap, making it an open polycurve and thus unable to be used to create a closed boundary. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this?
Best bet is to clean up the Revit data which built the original polycurve, garbage in produces garbage out after all. How is impossible to say without seeing the upstream data.
There is a CloseWithLine command that might help, but it will only work with a single segment missing.
Thanks Jaco,
The initial lines I created can be bypassed, however, I am attempting to make this procedure foolproof.
How are you gathering the curves?
This is all the Script,
Its actualy simple I asked it to offset the Area boundery and PolyCurve.ByjoinCurves.
I wanted to make it easy for the office folks to run the script, so I used open node. That way, they don’t have to bother with installing all the extra stuff
My guess is that there is something off with the data structure of the Area.Boundaries node, causing the polycurves to build incorrectly. Can you expand the data previews?