Polycurve.curves is not working

Hi all,
I’m learning Dynamo myself but i can’t do something. I tryed to curves to polycurve however it doesn’t work . Could you help me?

Few things wrong here:

You are asking Dynamo to get the location of Revit elements before you pull their location/curves. A get location node should help with that.

Polycurve.Curves takes a polycurve as an element. I am not able to think of any polycurve elements in Revit, so likely your elements are curve or point based.
More likely the elements are curves and as such you want Polycurve.ByJoinedCurves to create a polycurve from the lines which make up your element.

You should run through the primer cover to cover before going much further. Do all the exercises even if you don’t think they will be useful as the usually will. This will save you a lot of frustration.


@mimarsuleyman1 You’re using the wrong node. Would work if you use Polycurve.ByJoinedCurves

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