Curves to polycurve


I am trying to get one polyline by joining segments extracting from the CAD file.
Could you advise how this can be done?

What doesn’t work there? Can yo show the error?

You probably need to flatten your curve list.

I’ve tried to flatten, but still not joining.

@thethtarzaw Could you drop here your cad file?

As I am a new user, I cannot upload attachment. Can I drop email?

Hope it works. :smile:

Try using Group Curves from Archi-lab package to join them.

It can join in Dynamo but still segments in Revit. What are the further steps to resolve.

You need to make new Revit elements after getting the Dynamo geometry right.

There is no Polycurve model lines in Revit. I think the only way is by importing a planar Nurbs curve.

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Thanks for all advise and reply. Actually, I have to generate floor based on that segment lines and it has horizontal and vertical waves. Also I’m not prefer to use surface base model element as they are not editable.