Plotting ITM millimetre coordinates that exceed the geometry working range

Is there any work around for plotting a coordinate that exceeds the geometry working range?

I am trying to plot points from an excel spread sheet back into revit using my script, but the coordinate are national grid coordinates, so when I convert them from mm to m, the geometry working range is exceeded. An example of one of the coordinates is as follows: x = 716503185.000 y = 732897755.000 z= 20671.000

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps you need to convert from the national grid coordinate system to the project’s internal origin (subtract the project’s internal origin located in the NCS system).

Any idea how to do so?

I think Jacob means subtract a number from both the X&Y coordinates to bring the numbers down
For example, subtract 716500000 from the X (using a subtract node)
It depends on how your model is set up with shared coordinates

You might have more luck by changing your Dynamo graph to stay in metres, and temporarily switching your model units to metres to run Dynamo, then switching back to mm

Issue is I don’t really want to translate the model as well which would be required. I have tried changing the project units to meters and then plotting the points in meters but still no joy.

I have since updated the survey point and this error seems to be removed that geometry working range was exceeded. However, I have noticed though that the points are being plotted they are just plotting in the wrong location, even though when I check the points input, the coordinates are correct. Any ideas?

You don’t need to move a thing.

Dynamo uses the internal origin for all content creation, so anything you’re drawing in the file needs to be converted from ‘your coordinate system of choice’ to the internal origin which the file used.

To understand this, draw a line from 0,0,0 to 10,10,10 in Dynamo.

If this is the expected origin of the national grid coordinate, they. If it isn’t then the previous comment of altering the values by subtracting the distances will resolve the issue. Find the spot coordinate at the low point of the line and subtract the XYZ values from your coordinate XYZ values and you should be fine.