I am looking to program the placement of wall protection on a large building. This generally means placing families along corridors.
Those are ll ideally wall based families, but it is looking like I better have them free standing, because placement with Dynamo seems to be less problematic then.
Now for the corner guards I was thinking of selecting the volume of the rooms I am interested in - ie corridors, and find all the vertexes in the XY plane to use as placement points for my families.
Here is my problem, how do I sort the external from the internal corners (the pointy corners are the ones that need protection)?
What defines what walls i am interested in is a parameter in the room component, so I am selecting the rooms first. is there a better way to go about that?
ok, this sounds great, but regardless of how I select the outline, how do I select the pointy corners as opposed to all of the edges?
If you look at the image below, the highlighted in red are the ones I am interestd in, as opposed to the ones i have crossed off; And when I do selct them, how do i orient my family in the correct direction.