Hi everyone, I’m trying to place a Detail item Line Based family as a fire line and overlay this to the centre of the wall for each floor plan view. I do not understand why this works for one plan but not others when I change the view. I assume it is something to do with get.location, identifying the wall and not recognising the wall at the level (for each view).
I must confess that I’m a complete beginner, I have spent hours searching through forums and watching you tube videos, however I feel like I have hit a bit of a wall in terms of my understanding. Regarding I’m very happy it partially worked as this is my first dynamo experience. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi @nicholasWXCJ7 …you could try find the levels plane and pull the location line on that plane…
So, if I am understanding, you want to run the graph, change the view node to a different view, run again, change view, run again? Is that right? But when you change view it isn’t creating the lines in the changed view?
Kind regards,
Better use a Model-Line and a filter imho
Hey Marcel,
It might not be visible unless you’re careful with your cut-plane? But yes, it might be easier to manage… I guess if it is a ‘family’ anyway, it could be a line based generic model containing an annotation line (on it’s own sub-category, have one for each fire rating)… That would probably be easiest to manage…
Hope that’s useful,
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AND you can add symbols to a Line-based GM
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Hello, here is a way to get the views related to your elements (not necessarily the fastest)
(Walls = ‘‘Murs’’, Views= ‘‘Vues’’)
then the feeding of your family will be a list management at the incoming level
Hi @sovitek , I will take a look into these Nodes thank you for your response.
Hi Marcel, thank you for your response. The problem with model lines is that they do no favours for you when coordinating a project externally and internally and are fraught with errors in my opinion. I do not want to rely on templates or filters and then go through the whole process of educating colleagues. Therefore I opted for a detail line as a family to apply some control ( if needed, directly in the family) for specific views as a 2D object.
Hi Mark,
I think so yes, again I’m rather new to all the dynamo terminology, so apologies if my explanation is poor. yes, if I run the script this is what I get, I(please see image- red /blue lines), it adds the detail lines indicating the fire rating of the wall to this specific view which is the ground floor view.
I want to then go to the 1st floor (changing the floor plan views throughout the building), for the script to understand and recalculate the wall position (as of course walls are not in the same place on every level / floor plan) and then re-run the script and apply the appropriate fire rating from the Fire Rating type parameter.
oops, just read the rules no multiple replies.
@christian.stan, thank you for your help, I will need to study this in more detail to really understand it. I appreciate the assistance.
So I think that (if you are set on detail lines) you might be better of thinking of a View based approach…
Get Types View
Get All Elements of type View
Filter for floor plans
Get view name parameter
Filter out views without ‘fire in the name’
Get all Walls in view (clockwork)
Get location line etc. etc.
If you’re careful you should end up with a list of views in one data flow, and a list of lines grouped by view in another… You can feed both to the create detail lines (with the lines set to level 2)
Hope that helps,
Those detail components will have Z-coordinates so you need to make sure they’re drawn at the correct elevation. As @sovitek said, you’ll need to pull the wall location lines onto the view’s plane so that they’re visible. Otherwise they’ll be drawn at the wall’s base constraint.
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