Placing Adaptive Component by points

Hello Guys,

I was trying to place a 3 different adaptive cable in my project using dynamo but it doesn’t work.
someone can help me please.

Placing Adaptive Component by points.dyn (35.4 KB)

Cable_Type1.rfa (532 KB)
Cable_Type2.rfa (860 KB)
Cable_Type3.rfa (920 KB)

Try to flatten the list of Families to be placed. they are all in sublists. I mean you don’t need ListChop there.

Hello @Hyunu_Kim thank you for your answer,
I tried to flatten the list, but the problem stay the same, I tried many solutions but it’s doesn’t work.
But after I added a List. Chop for my list points and using levels it works very well :relaxed:

Solution is here: