I have been attempting to automate placing a bunch of views on sheets, but I can’t even get the basic node to work. I have one from Steamnodes calle PlaceViewsonExistingSheets and PlaceViews from Rhytm. Both just provide null.
Are these nodes expired or am missing something? I have looked up several guides referencing the Tool-node, but I can’t get it to work. I’m on Dynamo 2.16.2
You don’t have a View selected.
You are trying to place a Sheet on a Sheet now.
Yeah as @bvs1982 say and be sure you have dynamoironpython package 2.7 version 2.5 installed as well for steamnodes and should work even it havent been upgraded for years…for the rhythm node, is it the latest version ?
That’s pretty funny, but changing to an actual view does not help.
Yes I have DynamoIronPython 2.7 and the Rhythm package is the newest one, 2024.5.5
What are the warning messages?
Why not use the out of the box node?
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yeah probably better with ootb as Jacob say …anyway for the steamnodes have you tried open the node and be sure its set to ironpython 2 engine and not cpython 3
I can’t find any ootb nodes about placing views on sheets, what is it called?
Read that warning closely, it’s telling you exactly what the issue is.
The node expects a list of lists of strings, a list of lists of strings, and a list of lists of things. You provided a sheet, a plan view, and a list of points.
What options do you have for nodes under ‘sheet’? How about under “View”? Likely in modify for both.
Well I tried a bunch of different lists of strings before this, but when nothing worked I defaulted to what was pictured.
Anyway I did find an ootb node that seems to to the job with the handy name Sheet.ByNameNumberTileBlockViewsAndLocations. It also creates a sheet, but I can live with that.
Aside from OOTB nodes, this one from Rhythm will always be the node I use for any type of view placement on sheets.
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