I have a path in wich i would like to place a conduit family to represent the wires inside the Conduits (I will do it by placing a conduit of smaller diameter inside a conduit of bigger diameter)
I have the path and i would like to select another conduit type and set its diameter to be smaller
Did that, it helped Thanks
But it still didn’t solve my problem, could you please have a look at this?
thank you
I have no experience with that node but I don’t think it works with system families. You could try this from my package MEPover:
Managed to find the solution
it seems like if i connect the node Element.GetLocation directly to the node Conduit.ByLine it won’t work. i need to split the result of this node in order to later build lines… when i connect these lines to the Lines Input of the Conduit.ByLine Node it works…
Thank you!
That seems like a lot of work to create a line. Could you show me what exactly the output of you GetLocation node is? It could be a curve instead of a line, that might cause some trouble.
They all seem to be lines so that should work. I’ll go and check my node if it’s working as it should. Will get back on this.
I can’t seem to find anything wrong with the node. I tried it myself with a single input line and with multiple input lines but they all work.
On another note, if you want to deconstruct lines into points, there’s a much easier way to do this instead of converting to string and splitting those. Just get the start and endpoint and then use the DeconstructPoint node from Lunchbox.
It must be a bug
Thank you for your help, but i’ll keep the script the way i already done it.