Hi guys, was looking for a little help here. We like to have a landing when we are tagging pipes in 3d views in Revit but its tedious making the landing and leaders look correct and uniform. I created a crazy tag with different type and viz params just using the family editor and it works great but I’d like to have more intelligence behind it. Would it be possible to create something in Dynamo that will allow the tag to recognize the angle of the pipe in 3d view and pick the corresponding Tag Type that I have specified?
Example iso tagging would look like this:
Family with Viz Params:
Let me know if you guys need me to upload the family also.
The simplicity of your solution will probably depend on a few assumptions we make or don’t make. If your pipe is “always” going to be at regular angles and has “0” slope, it makes things a little easier. Otherwise calculating the angle for the leader starts to get really cumbersome in isometric views. That’s also assuming your view is a true isometric view with 120 degree angles.
Pipe is sloped and different angles for the fittings (45, 90 and straight up and down ) and pipes are oriented facing ne, nw, se, sw and vertical. The configurations for the tag leader directions would simply be Left Up, Left Down, Right Up and Right Down.
As for the ISO orientation, I sometimes click on the View Cube corners to get an ISO but lately I’ve drawn mirrored 30 degree lines on a sheet over the iso then I overlay those lines over the view and manually orbit to approximate this but if I need to leave it at the “Default View Cube” corners, I could do that too if need be.
Oh OK! I thought you were wanting your leader to always be perpendicular to the pipe, but if you’re just wanting 4 general tag configurations that should be much easier. You just want the landing and leader to always be identical.
The main issue becomes avoiding putting tags on top of other pipes then. I think there are other posts that cover similar situations.