I put this graph together this morning. I wanted to report the shared coordinate elevation of pipes in a pipe tag. I used Dynamo to find the shared coordinate elevation and the pipe offsets and add them together. I then wrote that value to a shared parameter and added that parameter to my pipe tag. It works as expected, but I have some questions.
Is there a simpler way to get the shared coordinate Z value? The code I used I pulled from another graph I found on this forum. It works but seems like it takes a lot to get a simple value from the model.
I tried this script on a very large piping model and it’s taking forever to run because it’s applying the parameter value to every pipe. Is there a way I can speed up the process? One idea I had was to only update pipes that were tagged, but I don’t know if that is possible. Another thought is to somehow ignore any pipe that is vertical or sloped because this parameter would not apply. Thoughts?