Hello everyone, first time poster here. Recently I’ve jumped in to dynamo, did a few scripts with youtube’s/ forums help inventing stuff along the way but im stuck on something simple.
As the title suggests I want to place elevation tags at the start and finish of an element in this case ducts, but for some reason the SpotElevation.ByPoint returns null values. I’ve searched the forums and couldnt find a solid solution. I imagine I should specify if its a bottom/center/top elevation but dont know how or weather its because dynamo doesnt know which elevation family to use for tags.
I’ve attached a screenshot of the nodes and everything on the left side is just to filter out elements i need tagged.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes kindof… to my knowledge this video does alot of filtering for insulated, sloped or vertical pipes to tag, then adds the elevation info to a new pipe parameter and the tag takes that info from a parameter. I just dont understand why SpotElevation.ByPoint doesnt do so. Trying to make the elevation tag work on a simple pipe run first and then i would add all the filters for type, orientation etc.
Hi @rokas.teiberis could it work for you with spot elevation by reference from Genius Loci ?
Hi @sovitek, got the Genius Loci package, but it seems im missing the package thats does Element Classes, did a workaround with selecting model element and getting its type. The tags are getting placed now, but it places 14 elevation tags in plan view of one duct that is aligned by Y axis (7 on each start and endpoint) and ignores ducts in X axis orientation. Maybe you could share the script in the video?
However youve helped me tons, since now something is getting tagged and I will start working from there.
Hi @rokas.teiberis thats because you are in an older version than me so instead of element classes then just use "element type-all elements of type…my exemple was in a section view, but try something here for planview…
spot.dyn (33.6 KB)
@sovitek hello again, tried the script you sent in both 2021 and 2024 revit and still get the same issue of some ducts getting ignored and tags being placed multiple times in the same spot see picture below of a 2024 revit sample mep project. any ideas?
I have only tried in 2023…could you show your graph…and probably share a little bit on the rvt you try on…be sure you only select the ducts
Thanks for your time @sovitek. this is from revit 2023 sample HVAC project with the script you’ve sent. all the errors are dereferencing a non-pointer. solved it by using List Clean just after ElementLocation curve to get rid of null values, no more errors, but the endlist returns null values
Hi @rokas.teiberis now i had tried on revits 2023 sample model…it all about list level and lacing…try play around with it and be sure only select ducts…Good luck
It works changing lacing and reference list level was the key. Thanks. Now ill start filering duct runs by length and setting up leader offsets !