Pick face node in dynamo

I am facing issue in aligning a family component (Generic model) in the face of the slanted (I section) beam( Marked in the screenshot). The component is placed by using dynamo , but i can’t able to place it in the face of the beam. I tried it by using (Pick face) node in dynamo.


you may use SetRotation node to rotate family over the x axis,
to get the right degree, get the normal at the surface by defining two point on it for example, and use angleaboutaxis node to get the degree of rotation

I can’t able to align the family to that beam surface. Can u please share the screenshot of that Dynamo script so that it would be helpful.

upload your script please

Actually, i am a new user. so i’m unable to upload files.
Is there any other option for sharing the file?

just go to the dyn file and drag it to the reply area, if you cant to problem

Please download the script from the below link.

It will be more helpful if you make changes in the file and send us back.

like this,
you may change the axis or normalatparameter values

I can’t able to connect the (Select face node) Surface to (Surface by Patch) Closed Curve.Can u give me a solution for that.

delete this node, connect direct from SelectFace Node