FamilyInstance.ByFace randomly rotating families

I am trying to write a script to place families on a designated face of a column, and am using the familyinstance.byface node, however whatever direction on the columns that I use, it rotates the family a seemingly random amount, and it is not consistent among all of the families.

Hey @keknoian. Welcome to the community. Try using the Springs.FamilyInstance.ByFacePoints node instead. I use that one and it doesn’t require you to input a reference direction. The insert orientation is based on how the family is made.


Hi @staylor, I am now using that node, however it is still rotating the families, this time a consistent 180 degrees, I could just rotate the families after they are placed but would prefer if it just got placed correctly. do you know what the issue could be?

Dynamo basically mimics the process when you place a family onto a host manually. Since the orientation is consistent now, it should be easy to resolve. Try manually placing a single fire alarm family onto the column face and see how the alarm gets oriented. My gut is telling me that it will be oriented 180 degrees also. In that case its either how the fire alarm is modeled against the XYZ coordinates in the family or the column is upside down and forcing the fire alarm to align with it when hosting to the face. If that is the case, then you can incorporate a rotation function after the place by face node or use the original node and set the reference direction to a constant for all instead of using point as vector


No meu só tem a opção de linha :confused:

Welcome @flavia.schuffner
If you are not seeing Springs in your list (first clip below), then you will need to search for the spring nodes package (second clip) and install it (third clip).


Hi @staylor Staylor. Thanks. (Oi, Obrigada)

Consegui instalar o pacote.
Na verdade estou tentando locar uma família de grampos por coordenadas em uma parede de inclinação variável.

Eu queria saber se seria possível o Dynamo ler minha lista de pontos do excel e reconhecer as famílias neles, eu consegui locar um ponto apenas por enquanto, segue abaixo a foto com a minha rotina.

O Problema agora é que eu tenho mais de 1000 pontos, eu iria duplicar essa rotina 1000 vezes e trocar as coordenadas copiando e colando do excel.

Hey @flavia.schuffner
Search in the forum about importing excel into Dynamo. There should be several posts covering that topic. Once you get all of your points into a list in Dynamo, then you will need to set the lacing to longest on the FamilyInstance.ByFacePoints node. The lacing will allow for multiple points to be inputted and the node will process each point one a time. To set the lacing to longest, right click on the node and follow the pic below. Hope this answers your question.


Hi @staylor, how are you?

Eu estou tentando rotacionar minha família de grampo em ângulo para as laterais pelo dynamo… conforma imagem abaixo (vista de cima)

Hey @flavia.schuffner
Since your original post here has already been marked with a solution, I would suggest you start a new post with your question, so others will know to look at it. Please provide as much detail as possible with what you are wanting to do and what is actually happening. Providing your dynamo graph/script will also help greatly.