Hi All,
I’m new to Dynamo and I’ve got a challenging task that is way beyond my level of software knowledge. I’m hoping you can at least guide me in the right direction so that I can further investigate the problem.
I have a surface modeled in 3DsMax that needs to be paneled with a standardized diamond shape (with an intent to fabricate). As far as I understood, I need to use Dynamo Studio in order to import this file as .dwg, .obj or .sat. Having tried every possible way I’m aware of, I ended up having this (see screenshot) shape in Dynamo Studio, which isn’t suitable for paneling - it isn’t smooth and has triangulated surface already imported.
Also, what would be the best approach to panel this shape? I assume, I need to panel each of the three pieces separately, but not even sure if it is a realistic attempt, especially for a person with limited experience in visual programming. Although, I’m willing to learn…
I don’t expect you to do this whole task for me, but would be grateful for any advice, help, information you could share.
Hopefully a few people chime in to help out. But I wanted to suggest checking out @colin.mccrone’s course on paneling. I just went through this myself and it really helped me out on a project I have as well. https://www.lynda.com/Dynamo-Studio-tutorials/Paneling-Dynamo-Revit/587599-2.html
But like I said. Perhaps someone will chime in and help you out still.
@Daria_f Here is a workflow with Dynamo for Revit (not Dynamo Studio)
I’ve imported one of the components from your file into a Revit project and selected it in the example below
20170712-1.dyn (10.2 KB)
Thank you, @Vikram_Subbaiah for your help!
Can you recommend any resources on this topic? And also, maybe you know any that explain how to apply structure to such geometries? I’d be very grateful.
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Thank you @john_pierson, I’ll check that one out!
@Daria_f I’m not really aware of any resources, though there might be.
However, if you manage to explain your issue, the responses here could end up being a good resource
In my example above, each sub list of curves, gives you the boundary curves of each triangular panel.
You could use these curves to specify the extents and control Revit elements, like beams.
Or you could instead extract the vertices of each panel and use them to position adaptive components.
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