I am trying to learn how to panelize a surface and then place an adaptive panel from Revit, with 4 points.
Done the surface, I used a node from the package lunchbox. On Dynamo display the result looks exact what I meant but in Revit the 3d visualization is different.
I do not understand it and so it is difficult to go forwad, I am using Revit 2018 and the latest Dynamo 1.3.1
The workflow end would be having the panel placed with Dynamo.
Can you share your entire Dynamo file and any relevant parts to run it (i.e. Linked Revit files) so we can test? Or a screenshot of the whole graph? It’s hard to troubleshoot well without these.
As in intermediate step, try disabling preview for individual nodes until you find the one that’s causing the odd behavior, decide if it matters (since it’s only preview geometry it may not), and try to make headway from there.
Dear Jacob, thank you
for your prompt reply. I am attaching the dyn file. The revit file is just a blank new project, with a adaptive panel loaded in in order to test it, nothing really complex and neither linked files in it. It is 4mb uploading it does not making too much sense to me.
“Problem” arouse with the lunchbox node, prior to it there is a surface node and until that the dynamo definition worked fine.
It is my first time touching this subject.
AnySurfacepanelized.dyn (30.9 KB)
Have you tried placing the ac’s from your point list using the adaptivecomponent.bypoint? Oh and I think you may need to flatten your points list once so you have a list of lists. If I remember correctly, than that’s the input the ac.bypoints want.
Thanks Martin, I tried the node you mentioned. Probably there other options as well. My intention is to place a panel with 4 adaptive point (here another post) since the surface is not flat. I dig in the forum and the subject has been discussed several times (here another interesting), I am positive I will find a way out.
Hello still working on it.
I took the Vikram solutions to get the parameters (Vertex X,Y,Z created within the panel family) and place adaptive
component on the surface.
1 - on Revit the only solutions to create those parameter was to have them as report parameters
otherwise the overconstraint rules would impede to set each coordinate parameter for each vertex
AdaptivePanel_4pointsinstancebased.rfa (400 KB)
1-b (this is more a Revit doubt than Dynamo, Now the adaptive point choice is xyz
2- In the Dynamo definition I split the list of n points into n/4 points in order to place one
panel every 4 points, than I joined then I used the remnant 3/4 of the list to place the vertex. It did not work though and Dynamo go into a loop.
I have doubt about the placement rule, I used adaptivecomponent by point (1 point) but I do not have any certainty about which point Dynamo would use inside the family (maybe a location point) to actual place within the grid.
The whole is within the mass environment of Revit.
AnySurfacepanelizedTRY4.dyn (2.8 MB)
I upload the family and the definition.
Any suggestions would be helpful