Hi all,
I am trying to import my data from excel into Revit instance parameters for my elements. So, for example if I have a set of data in an excel table that have one item matching with a given parameters in a revit element and I would like to fill up the rest of blanked parameter of that element.
I tried to work on my graph and this was the way I approached my problem but unfortunately it didn’t work
So, I would like to ask for any suggestion to solve this problem. Sorry if my explanation is bad.
Look into dictionaries, they are perfect for this.
Read the data from excel, clean the headers and make a TagNo-Power dictionary, and a TagNo-Supplier dictionary and so on for every value.
Then select your elements, read the TagNo parameters, look in the dictionaries for the matching values and push those into the correct parameters of those elements.
Thank you for your suggestion. I am new to dynamo and I couldn’t find dictionary nodes. Would you be able to tell me where to get them? thank you again
they are OOTB from Dynamo 2.0 onwards.
In 1.3 there are some nodes in the Lunchbox package.
I don’t get the same nodes as yours when I downloaded LunchBox Package 
Where did I go wrong for this?
Read the descriptions, they have the same functions but different namen. Is there a specific reason you need to be in 1.3 for this?
CreateDictionary = Dictionary.ByKeysValues
GetValueFromDictionary = Dictionary.ValueAtKey
Hi Bjorn,
I didn’t really understand the method you shown me earlier so I explore more ways of doing it and I came up with this
However, I only able to match one element with its details from excel to the parameters but when I selected multiples elements nothing happen at all.