Compare Revit element parameter values with Excel list values

I’m new to Dynamo and I need a bit of help.
I have multiple family elements in Revit with filled certain parameter (‘magi_ov1’ for my case) values.
I also have a list of these same values in Excel file (in column A). Column B contains different information about each item.

I want to transfer this Column B information to corresponding Revit element (by comparing ‘magi_ov1’ values with excel Column A values). The information should be written to different parameter (‘magi_ov2’ in my case).

How would I go about cross-comparing two different lists and matching information as described?
So far I’ve imported the data from Excel file both columns and filtered Revit elements, that contain the needed values. I’m having trouble figuring out how to do the comparison.
Any ideas?

larger image here

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Do you want dynamo to compare automatically all values or just some (e.g. 3AS21-gr.10)? In this case I would use a “index of” to find the index of the magi__ov1 parameter from the excel column A and use the same index to pick items from column B to write the corresponding value to the element. Excuse me if I do not attach any image

Hi @Emi

I think a dictionnary (associating values to keys) would be the most efficient approach :


I want to compare all values. The string in my example (3AS21-gr.10) was just for testing purposes. Sorry for not being entirely clear.

I have hundreds of Revit elements with different magi_ov1 values, and I need to fill out the magi_ov2 values from the Excel list (by finding matches between magi_ov1 and Excel Column A).

Wow, love the dictionary method!

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Awesome! This is exactly what I needed! It works!
Thank you very much!

Glad I could help :slight_smile:

Hi Mostafa. I have similar problem. I have two categories of elements. They have mark value, parameter is called different for those two categories, but values are the same. It s a number for each element, like 1, 2, 3 etc. I need to compare values for each element from both categories, match elements with the same number and copy values of some other parameters (coordinates) from one category to same parameters for elements of the other category. I m not sure it s understandable ) I hope you can help.

This thread has been solved already, please open a new one with screenshots of what you tried.
It can easily be linked to this one like so:
Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @olga.budarina ,
@Yna_Db 's right it’s better to start a new thread…
Here’s a workflow suggestion for your task anyway :
grouping your elements from cat A and cat B using their mark values then getting matching lists of elements from both categories. Once you reach that stage you can pour your paramater values from one list of element into the other one


Hi Mostafa. Thanx a lot for your response!
It worked for me!
Still not sure how your part is working hehe. Operators with lists are still difficult :slight_smile: Thanx again

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