HI All,
i am trying to create some Elements Filter in view. I am almost done it but i still have a Problem with OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties. I want to create a random Color for cutFillColor and for projectionFillColor, but i have random Color in projectionFillColor and just one Color in cutFillColor. If I only select projectionFillColor or cutFillColor then I have even a monochrome Color.
hi, the problem is not in this string, but in the OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties. As you can see in the first image, I have random color for Surface area but not for cut. I want that it would be same Color.
I see what you mean. For some reason that I don’t understand (quite new to Dynamo myself) its taking the last randomized color and using it for the rest of the overrides. However, there is a good related topic that might help sort your Dynamo.Creating Filter Rules - List Manipulation