I’m trying to create a .dyn which will override the color of a ceiling based on it’s height offset from level. I’m able to get this to work nicely, but the order in which the color is applied seems to be based on the element id ceiling element. So…I would like to sort the list of ceiling elements based on their heights in ascending order. That is where I am stuck. I’ve tried using sort.bykeylist without success, because I’m uncertain as to how it works. Thank you for your help.
Hmmm, interesting; I had tried those nodes, but got an error. Are you using Dynamo 8.0 or 8.1? I will go back and try again and see if I missed something. Thank you for your help.
Yep, it was my error. In the SortByKey scenario, I connected the element input to the selected ceilings. I see that you left that input blank. This confuses me, but I’m guessing if you don’t connect elements to the Element.GetParameterValueByName, that it just passes a function onto the SortByKey node?
Is it possible to something very similar, but instead of height, color the ceilings by thickness? I can’t seem to query the Type property of the ceilings “Thickness”. I’d like to eventually color these based on a comparison to 2.5" thick.