I am trying to create a list from the floor list I already have that have equal “Height offset from Level” parameter values, so I can assign colors to each sublist, but don’t know what is the next node in the logic should be.
From what I understand from your question you need the list.groupbykey node.
And that will make me create lists from the existing one with equal values of parameter “Height Offset From Level” ?
It will group the Elements with, in this case, the same Elevation yes.
If this is the solution, then please mark it. @enji.sorial
I still have to assign a color to each list. So do I flatten the list.groupbykey then start to assign colors to each list?
Depend if you want them to have different colors.
Yes, that’s exactly what I want. I want each list of floors that have same elevation have a different color.
So you need a node which can override the elemtents and feed that node a list of colos
tand he list with the sublists of the different elevations.
Your original question has been answered though.
Exactly. I am new to Dynamo, so at the beginning I was struggling to find the node to group the floors with equal parameter values. I found another script on Dynamo where it assigns colors to elements. With Dynamo I usually get the beginning of the script and partially the end and always miss something in the middle.
If you want them colored by unique value (group) then you need to create a color for each value. You can do this with a sequence of n unique values long with the color range node. Then assign the color override to each group.
But do I need to make sublists to assign a color to floors with equal parameter values?
This is what I have so far?
See @Nick_Boyts reply @enji.sorial.