Organize Import data from excel to revit


I’m looking for some help with a script dynamo to link Excel/Revit

1 ) I created a script to import Data revit to excel => Okay !
2) I completed the sheet with new informations => Perfect !

  1. I created another script to import from excel to revit => So much problems…


Could you help me to find solution for this :

Informations doesn’t stay on the right objects (revit)
the column header is exported in the object properties
Nodes : an error occured

Thanks you so much :smiley:

It would help to see the data that you are trying to bring back into Revit and assign as parameter values. The top error I assume is being caused by you feeding elements into the “Value” input of the Set Parameter node.

Hi @askittle13 when you export to excel then try export the element id or guid as well, and use that when you import again

Your image is hard to see. You may get better help if you post the DYN, RVT, & Excel file.

Sorting elements by key of an ID parameter and matching that with the Excel data is a way to get data back into elements.

I’m doing that but that’s not working

I think the problems come to the import from excel to revit

Unfortunately, I can’t upload new attachment… !

Ok, with the nodes “List.SortIndexByValue” to associate Excel/Revit ? This nodes go between “DatasimportExcel” and “List.transpose”?

I can’t upload the file but if it’s could be help you to understood :

Thanks you

You need to zoom into a node and press thr canvas export button (camera) when you do it make sure you have run thr script, showing the outputs of each of the nodes using the pin on the bottom of each node, and then stating what any errors are.

Currently nobody can help you because they cannot see your graph (open the image you posted and see the titles are missing)

Sorry, I didn’t see !

It’s better ?

Warnings for each node are

Code block : Element ID => “Could not obtain element from the current document! The unique id may not be valid”

Element.SetParameterByName => " ‘Revit.Elements.InternalUtilities.ElementUtils.SetParameterValue(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter, Revit.Elements.Element)’ et ‘Revit.Elements.InternalUtilities.ElementUtils.SetParameterValue(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter, string)’"