Organise curves for surface by loft

Hi, does anyone know how id organize this list of curves to create 4 surfaces with Surface.ByLoft? Looks like I’d need to organise the curves clockwise or counter clockwise too. Making elevations with the scope box faces later on. Bounding box isnt great if scope box rotates.

Or is there a way to make a cuboid of a scope box without bounding box? I’m not sure how to get min and max of curves from geometry of scope box. Then I can filter and get vertical surfaces

I would start by sorting out the longest curves. That should pull out those diagonals.
Wouldn’t use the bounding box.
Get the distance from all of the higher points and all the lower points at lacing multiplied. Remove the two longest distances. Draw lines to the rest, transpose the lists, loft the curves.

Thanks Daniel. Ended up with a sort of modified version of what you were saying I think but with curve distances

this makes the curves a funny direction though to offset points for elevation markers… wonder if theres a way to union surfaces then explode

ended up getting scope box geometry, bottom curves, join, surface by joined curves, used one vertical curve to get z length and made other faces again so in order

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