Lofting curves creating surfaces

Hi All,

I have a series of lines that I have lofted I expected to obtain surfaces, however when i loft the curves I seem to retain a single surface.

I would like to retain the individual surfaces. Some help would be appreciated.

regardsDR6_grillage_Rev_A_WIP.dyn (35.0 KB)

Hi @Kenyon_Graham

Edit: Currently your joining curves and connecting to crossSections try connecting directly to crossSections.

Below is an another example how to use Solid.ByLoft with guide curves.

Hi Kulkul,

I almost got it, see attached def…I did it in grasshopper then tried to convert.

Simple things.

if you open up the def. my display was a bit funky, with half of it suffering from a white out.

Surface_Bridge_Rev_B.dyn (29.3 KB)

