Orchid sheet.getbynameandnumber not working with Revit 2023

I have a Dynamo graph that worked in 2022 but cannot get it to work in 2023. I am unsure about the correct package because I occasionally get an error message about 2.14. I replaced a couple of nodes from the Orchid package I downloaded, and the graph ran until the sheet.getbynameandnumber node.
Any ideas?

You’ll need to show us what you have and what it’s doing.

I will as soon as I can get back into that project. I can’t see where I can attach something here? Just screen captures for here?

You can upload a file or just paste an image. You can also link to a file sharing site if you ever need to share larger files.

N_Set Sheet Parameters.dyn (37.3 KB)

Here is the excel, the Dynamo graph and a screen shot of what I have in the way of packages downloaded for Dynamo 2.16.
Screen image below

The first error message is:

The other three have to do with info from that node not being correct.

As the node indicates, I think you’ll want to reach out to the package author directly. This can be done via the Orchid Package GitHub.