Orchid Package

I’m trying to install orchid for Revit 2023, but when the installation is complete it doesn’t appear in dynamo. My roytine that I used in Revit 2021 shows this message.

That error message has very little to do with Orchid and everything to do with workspace references.

Your graph was built with a newer version of Orchid, and workspace references is trying to install it from the package manager. Which it does not exist on.

Simply dismiss that message by selecting “Use Installed Version” or whatever it says.

I tried to use the installed version. but doesn’t work. It’s like this version of the package wasn’t installed, but it is

Does Orchid show in the dynamo node library? Do other custom packages?

Cross check the package folders and see if maybe it installed to admin vs user.

Orchid can be copy/pasted I believe if it is in the wrong folder.

User folder path:
C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\BUILD\packages

Admin folder path:

Can’t guarantee it’s the cause/fix, but I’ve seen it before.

Noting you should be installing using the github installer, not the package manager ideally. The 2.16 installer is noted to be used for installing Orchid for 2023 on the git:

If none of that works, I’d say log an issue on the Orchid git as the author isn’t on the forums.