Numbering Pipe Accessories

I’m looking to uniquely number all the valves in my project in a new parameter. I also need the parameter to read the system type. When done it should look like this: “HWR - 001” For each system, it would be nice for the numbering to start at 001.

There are other posts in the forum that cover similar tasks. Try looking at some of these.

I was able to sort by system type, but now I need to add a number to each and create a parameter: “CHWR - 001”.

Both posts include that part in an image. You need to count the number of elements in each group and create a sequence.

I managed to do almost exactly what you want. The only obstacle is reading the value of “System Type” parameter, which does not seem to cooperate with me. So, as a workaround, I propose to use the “System Abbreviation” parameter, which you can populate maunally in the project by editing piping systems in the project browser. It works pretty much in the same manner.

You will need Rhytm package for Elements.GetParameterValueByNameTypeOrInstance node.

Alas, as a new user I cannot add attachments, so you will have to recreate the script from the screenshot.

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