Nodes moving by themself

Hi there !

I got a nasty problem for which I didn’t find any cure (didn’t check on github).
The bug occurs randomly : the previous selected nodes move by themself toward my mouse position. A screencast will be more expressive (bug occurs at 17 seconds).

Any idea how I can solve this ?

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Is this on a virtual or remote system, or are you using a keyboard directly attached to the CPU you are running on?

If you mean a virtual machine/OS then no. My keyboard is connected though a usb-bluetooth adapter (so attached to the laptop’s motherboard and not CPU).

I think this was fixed here:

what version of Dynamo/Revit is this?

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I’m using Revit 2020.2 and Dynamo 2.3. Judging by your comment on github, it will only be fixed on dynamo 2.9.0 ?


:ghost: :ghost: :ghost: << this is the cause :no_mouth:

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