Node to perform "load into Project" action?

Hi all,

Does anyone know if there is a node for the Revit command “Load into Project” ?
Below is a schematic version of the workflow i have in mind.
I like the “Document.BackgroundOpen” and “Document.Close” nodes of @john_pierson (Rhythm) very much.
They are perfect for batch upgrade family files.
But with this extra node (Third step), i could use them for a lot of DynamoPlayer scripts.

Schematic Workflow

I have seen Python scripts here on the forum that perform all 4 steps in one action, but they are often writen for very specific tasks. I have no Python knowledge, so i can’t change them, or write my own.

I hope there are nodes that i am not aware of.

Kind regards,

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Hi Erik,

Thanks a lot :thumbsup:
I have your package installed, but i missed this one.

PS. Is there also a node that can “background open” families from the current project (instead of loading from a directory) ?

Thanks again,

Hi Eric,

Maybe i cheerded too soon…
Can this node be fitted in my 4 step workflow (or does it only work with a filepath as input).
It is my goal to use it on Families that are already background opened.

Kind regards,

Maybe we should take a close look at our workflow…:slightly_smiling_face:

Current workflow (before/without Dynamo)

  1. We have a source directory with family files.
  2. We copy needed family files to project directory.
  3. We open the above families and edit their parameters.
  4. We save the edited families to the project directory.
  5. Then we load the families into the projectfile.

By skipping steps 2, 3 and 4 (edit the families once they are in the project) an accidental “save” command will overwrite the source families.
For now your solutions will do, and gave me something to think about.

Thanks again,

Eric, you’re the best

That’s exactly what i had in mind, you gave my rough ideas a boost.
One final question:
Would it be hard to edit the “DanEDU.File.LoadFamily” node to accept a “familyDocument” input, and give it a “document” output, like your other nodes.
If it’s a lot of work, forget it, you helped me more than enough.

Kind regards,

Hi Erik,

Now i’m totaly satisfied, a big bow for you :thumbsup:
Thank you for your patience, and all the help.

Kind regards,

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Hi @erfajo, I’m starting again from your example (without python)… without result.
I’m experiencing problem just at the beginning of the script…
I can not really understand what is “i” filePath…


Hi @fablabolbia,

I was searching other topics, and thought the below link was worth mentioning.

Maybe the spaces in your path are the problem, as @Marcel_Rijsmus mentioned.

I hope it helps,

Dear @erfajo
First thank you for providing your package for Revit Dynamo.
I want to use an add shared parameter workflow based on your nodes. I rebuilded the workflow in Dynamo like in a picture of yours shown above (All Family Document nodes). But now there is occurring a failure. In the Family there never showing up new added parameters. The “DanEDU.FamilyDocument.AddSharedParameter”-Node says “An error occurred! Please veryfy setting”. Are my inputs not correct? All Shared Parameters are in the SPFile and its loaded to the Family. See my attached pictures. I would be very pleased if you can have a look and help me.

Best regards Dan

Shared parameter File detail:
# This is a Revit shared parameter file.
# Do not edit manually.
META	2	1
GROUP	1	Schlüsselliste
GROUP	2	Projektinformationen
GROUP	3	Raumbuch
GROUP	4	Luftmengenberechnung
GROUP	5	Plankopf
GROUP	6	Leistungsberechnung
GROUP	8	HLS-Bauteile
GROUP	9	Nutzungsvereinbarung

Thank you for your fast response @erfajo !

Now i understand…! And it worked fine so far. Added my first Parameters to several Family-Files.
Made my Day :smiley:

Have a nice Weekend later.


Hi all,

At the moment i’m creating a list Dynamo Player scripts (Revit 2018.1) from the above workflow.
I thought it would be nice to share some examples with you (for those who are interested).

02 PROJECT DIRECTORY_03 add shared parameters to families_STAIRCASE NUMBER_save.dyn (16.0 KB)
02 PROJECT DIRECTORY_03 add shared parameters to families_STAIRCASE NUMBER_update_save.dyn (17.7 KB)
02 PROJECT DIRECTORY_03 add shared parameters to families_STAIRCASE NUMBER_value_save.dyn (19.3 KB)
02 PROJECT DIRECTORY_03 add shared parameters to families_STAIRCASE NUMBER_value_update_save.dyn (21.0 KB)

Thanks again @erfajo and @john_pierson for these great nodes! works perfect.

Kind regards,


Hello all,

I am trying to update a parameter name for an element within a family using a project directory. I don’t see a node that would accomplish this. Can you offer any help on this issue?

I am currently trying to change a material name from say “Glass” to “New Glass”.


Hi @jwheeler,

The link below contains a picture of all “DanEDU” nodes you can use on a (background opened) FamilyDocument. So i guess “FamilyDocument.SetParameterByName” is the one you need.

Kind regards,

Hi @MJB-online,

Thank you for the quick response on the last post. This does work for what I need, but I wasn’t completely clear I suppose on what I need. I apologize.

I also need the ability to query what parameters are set up and what there values are in general, because the material I need to update is across multiple families and are set up on different parameter names across those families. A door might have the “glass material” set up under “Glass Parameter” and window family might have it set up under “Glazing Parameter”. Both need to be updated.

Do you know of a node that will accomplish this while working with the same FamilyDocument nodes?

Thank you.

Hi @jwheeler,

I’m sorry i don’t think there are more nodes available for that, then the ones i mentioned above.
Maybe @erfajo can give you some more information, as i can’t help you myself.

Kind regards,

I see all this amazing stuff and I can’t believe I can’t find something to simply take a family and load it into multiple projects by opening each project automatically and loading the family in it and then save then close then open next project load family save close open next and so on and so on. Sorry I just research so many nodes and get so confused with them not working or not doing what I need them to do.

Open a folder with a family in it - then load into multiple projects from a directory with out me opening all those projects manually.

Dynamo just doesn’t really work like that. It pretty much as a shortcut for doing actions you could all principally do yourself.It doesn’t have the capability to directly alter a file. It even needs to open excel to read to and write from it.
If you want that to work, instead of having a whole ton of projects you want to convert data from, maybe consider creating a database (in excel or alike) you use as a basis for data rather than your actual Revit files.

I saw your posts about loading Families.

Is it also possible to load one or multiple model or detail Groups? I tryed to do this, but I think I’m missing something.
I tryed the directory path

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Hi @erfajo, your “DanEDU” and “Orchid”, are great, for one old project I have to manage a lot of families and I need to download your DanEDU dynamo package, but I can’t find it, it still possible?
Thank you