First off, hello everyone, first post on here. I’m new to Dynamo but excited to learn!
<span style=“color: #2e2e2e;”>I’ve just been thrown on to a project where I need to figure out how to model a 6 story wall that is made out of some sort of CNC milled panel system and I’m not sure how to model it in Revit and was thinking Dynamo might help?</span>
Here is a conceptual section which shows the wall, you’ll notice that there is a wavy pattern which varies in all three x,y,z planes:
<br style=“color: #2e2e2e;” /><span style=“color: #2e2e2e;”>I was reviewing this buildz tutorial using ACs (non-Dynamo) and it gets me halfway there: </span>buildz: Repeat and Divide Prt I: curved panels<br style=“color: #2e2e2e;” /><br style=“color: #2e2e2e;” /><span style=“color: #2e2e2e;”>The problem is, I need the back of the panel to be flat and the front to have adjustable splines in both the x,y, and z axis (i can’t seem to get the z adjustability). As well, it’s doing a spline with a continuous curve through each point, whereas I need each spline to be a sharp edge as you can see in this panel sketch:</span>
Anyone have any thoughts how to best make this? We’re currently at 50% DD so it doesn’t have to be super real, but it would be great to have an idea how to make it real.