Need help with sorting elements by phase created

I have setup that filters elements by phase created but for whatever reason neither in or out lists of boolMask has any elements with the selected phase. Phase is being selected at highlighted string node.

The List.GroupByFunction node is rearranging the sequence of your original elements list by the phase created values, but your feeding the original element sequence list into the List.FilterByBoolMask. Therefore, the bool results returned by the == are not actually the correct results for the corresponding elements being fed into the List.FilterByBoolMask node.

Try this and see if this works correctly.

It is now returning list of matching phases not elements of that phase.

I hooked it up to list.groupByFunction and it works now. idk why

Hi! This has been very helpful for a Dynamo rookie like me. But…are you then able to extract other paramters of the now sorted list? eg. I am trying to do the same thing but with walls. But since its now sorted by phase i cant seem to extract other parameters than phases now?

Maybe I should try and elaborate a bit. Im trying to get a list of all walls created in new construction and then from here collect information on only these walls. Ive managed to get a list only containing the walls of “New Construction” and im now trying to get these walls area and a couple of other parameters as well

Hi @3053014RNF7 and welcome to the forum :wink: do you mean something here ?

Best in the future made a new topic as this one here is already solved…

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Exactly something like that! Thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

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GroupByFunction node’s output still has elements with all their parameters and it’s sorted by phase created.
You can also sort by any other parameter by changing “Phase Created”; sorting parameter to anything like “Volume”;