I am attempting to use the “select model elements” to use a drag window but ultimately I only want elements that are of the category “parts”. I saw this post
(Filter by category) that suggested using Element Get Category (clockwork), ==, and Filter By Bool Mask.
I have attempted to do this but at == it will not register anything but false. I have attempted to use the Categories node, a code block, and a script as the y value and none work. I also attempted to sort the elements by element type, same condition occurs. Finally I attempted to use the List.SortByFunction which will get the boolean working, and it does however if I have a large number of elements that gets selected, somewhere over 1000, I have to use List.FilterByBoolMask multiple times to slowly filter the list to just the “parts” because it appears to get overwhelmed and not work with too many elements. This direction is not ideal especially because the next step of my code I need “elements” but the List.SortByFunction output is just a string.
Any suggestions to get the == to work for the categories?
Sort Elements by Category.dyn (567.2 KB)