Hello, recently i started working with the node CADTextData.FromLayers from the Bimorph Package, (using Revit 2018, Dynamo 2.0.3 and Bimorph 3.0.3) and since the beginning i am having problems with that node. First problem i had was that when i tried to use it , combined with Genius Loci`s Imported DWG node, for some reason the node did not work well, returning an empty list value, both for the two output node values.
But after 2 days of “research” and trying to feed the nodes from different ways, i discovered that if you feed the node with a 2 cycled import instance, the “first try” of the node fails, but the second one works properly.
So then i thought that i fount a node patch that “solves” the problem… but no.
Yesterday i started working in a workflow to allow me to pick some DWG data (lines and text) from a
foundation and plumbing drawing and the node started failing again. I tried everithing: Copying the elements in a new drawing, rename the layer, trying both Text and MText, creating a new layer and change the text elements to that layer, ciclying the import instance 10-15 times… and nothing.
And the strangest part is, when i try the node in previous workflows (the firsts ones that i mentioned before) the node works perfectly with the “2 cycle patch”, but with this workflow does not do anything.
I adjunt the .dwg and the .dyn (also needed Genius Loci for this workflow)
Cimentacion.dwg (50.9 KB) Foundation and wasting water.dyn (68.1 KB)
I know that the node has beed created by @Thomas_Mahon, so i hope that my explanation of the problem helps him to improve the package and the node.
Thanks for your reading/time