Need dynamo player to reset after run

Good morning,
I’m trying to create a script that will create levels based off of user input for “Name” and Height above chose existing level.
The issue I’m having is I want to be able to re-run the script with a “clean” player. If I use the “reset” on the player and try to add a second level it deletes the first inserted level and then places the second level.

This is to be used by various people in our office, so having them close the player and re-open it each time is a deal-breaker.


Share your Dynamo file, can’t reproduce error.

@rspierenburg you might wan’t to add a transaction start adn transaction stop nod at the beginning and end of your script to do that

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Not sure something could work for you…

level.dyn (9.1 KB)

This causes the same issue. When re-run it deletes the first level and places a new level.

Hmmm even when you run from player…strange works fine here when i run from player

I think it was because I had Dynamo itself open…it works fine with it closed. Thank you.

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arhh yes thats make sence :wink: