My Dynamo doesn't run when launching in Revit 2025

Dynamo crashes when launch it, by an error, which I think there is a dynamocore conflict with my older version of Revit (2023). the error log is this:

anyone know any solution for this problem?

2023 shouldn’t impact 2025 at all, but if you ported over your packages from 2023 this might happen. Try disabling all packages and custom nodes by modifing directory contents or editing your Dynamo settings file (in your %appdata% directory for your Dynamo instance).

Also double check to make sure all Revit add-ins are disabled - you can check your journal for this or use the collector utility here to identify what you might have running.

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I disabled all Add-ins and packages but the problem persists. :melting_face:

Can you post your Revit journal and the list of add-ins found by the collector utility? Sometimes things persist there. Also your Dynamo settings file.

here you are:
journal.0041.txt (271.4 KB)
Revit_2025_Add-ins.txt (5.9 KB)

  • List item

Are you trying to run a different Dynamo build than comes with the installation?

Specifically concerned with this line in your journal: 'C 19-Sep-2024 22:54:15.705; DBG_WARN: The addin file -Dynamo.addin- in internal folder is duplicated.: line 465 of F:\Ship25.2\2025_px64\Source\API\APIInterop\AddIn\AddInManagerUtils.cpp.. This seems to indicate that a separate Dynamo for Revit was put into the location that Revit expects Dynamo to be launched from.

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yes, actually, before I installed Revit 2025 last time, I had got a problem with my Dynamo player and analytical automation so I downloaded a newest version of Dynamo 3.2 and replace it with the old one. what should I do then?

Not that. Uninstalling Revit and reinstalling is likely the easy way out at this point. A repair might work too, but I’m not entirely sure.

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according to your advice I uninstalled and then installed 2 different version of Revit, but my dynamo player in Revit 2025 is grayed out and it doesn’t work. Revit 2023 is working properly. Could you help me in this case?

  • List item
  1. Restart your CPU
  2. Launch Revit
  3. Start a new project
  4. Go to the manage tab
  5. if Player is grayed out:
    1. Grab a screenshot of the screen showing player grayed out
    2. force quit Revit
    3. Post your Revit journal from that session and the screenshot here
  6. If player isn’t grayed out:
    1. Click on it
    2. If nothing further happens hold down alt and tap tab
    3. If Dynamo Player isn’t in the resulting list:
      1. Grab a screenshot with the open windows displayed
      2. Open Task manager and go to the details tab. Sort by name and see if there is anything under ‘dynamo’ indicating it’s stuck; grab a screenshot of this window
    4. If Dynamo is in the list:
      1. click on it to make it active.
      2. Hold alt and tap space bar, m, left arrow. This should enable moving the active window.
      3. Move your mouse. Player should be visible.
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[1. Restart your CPU
2. Launch Revit
3. Start a new project
4. Go to the manage tab
5. if Player is grayed out:

  1. Grab a screenshot of the screen showing player grayed out
  2. force quit Revit
  3. Post your Revit journal from that session and the screenshot here]:

    journal.0008.txt (236.2 KB)

Ok - I’ll check the Revit journal

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I appreciate you.

Multiple add-ins still enabled. Can you confirm everything is disabled? FormIt, Total Carbon Analysis, etc… Might be one of those causing the conflict. Either way there isn’t anything really jumping out at me at this time, so best to reach out to support via the accounts portal at

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I am wondering that dynamoplayer 7 was in the folder but in this new installation it disappeared. does it cause the issue?
I restored the dynamoplayer 7 file from my Recycle bin and it still didn’t help too.

I am pretty sure there is a conflict with 2 different versions (2023 & 2025) of Revit on my system.

Nope. I have both of those and have no issue, as do a few thousand others.

Unless you’ve tweaked your Dynamo/player installation it should be a non-issue across the board.

Do you have any files within this folder, if not then dynamo player did not install. This could be down to a virus scanner or something and i have seen this happen with earlier versions of revit

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2025\AddIns\DynamoPlayerForRevit

Do note that this has nothing to do with dynamo files as that is in a separate folder, this only has the player application within.

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I did an experiment, I installed Revit 2025 in another laptop, Dynamo is working Properly, the difference is dynamoplayer 7

It seems you have broken your installation somehow. Submit a ticket via so my colleagues in support can help you as this is going to be best solved by a screen share.