My corridors are not thick!

I ask for help because I can’t get past this step. I create my alignments, my profiles and my corridors, but the corridors come with zero thickness. I thank you in advance.

edit. files update
1-2.dyn (274.7 KB)
corridors-alonso.dwg (3.6 MB)

Can you post what you’ve done so far?

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I can’t post, I’m still a new user.

I just upped your trust level so you should be able to post files now. If not you can use a 3rd party tool like Dropbox, onedrive, box, google drive, etc…

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Thanks. I uploaded files. (in the original post)

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Your corridors are not “thick” because they only have baselines but no regions. Your dyn is a really good start tho, but I recommend you to first learn how C3D works and how geometry in C3D is created. Good luck!

I understand how C3D works. Do you have any suggestions for .dyn?

Your corridors have no regions. You should add start and end in the CorridorExtensions.AddRegion node. The start and end will depend in what you need.

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