Move linked IFC to right coordinate system

Hi everyone!

I am trying to move linked IFC to match the correct host model coordinate system and angle to true north.

I have collected both information but now I am stuck on how to translate and rotate the link.

I was trying to follow this nice guide but the python script doesn’t work for me.
Re-positioning an IFC link via Dynamo | Search | Autodesk Knowledge Network

I have also read this post from the forum but it didn’t help me.
Move and rotate an IFC Linked file to the Revit base point using python - Developers - Dynamo (

Can someone help me with this?
Thank you!

Have you tried GeometryGym?

Thank you Marcin I will try it.

But I am still looking for a definitive technical solution using Dynamo and Revit 2021 without having to install adds-in.

Hi @simo18d2,

The Element SetLocation and Element SetRotation nodes from the Genius Loci Package can help you to move your link.

Hi Alban,
I tried to use the Element SetLocation but with no result because the link does not move.

Here I am selecting the IFC link and try to set the location based on the project base point. according to below picture.


Any thoughts on this?


It is not the right node.
The Element SetLocation node from the Genius Loci package will work.

Hello Alban,

sorry about the misunderstanding.

Now I am using the correct node, nevertheless I still have problem moving the link. (rotation works!)

I have attached the rvt file and dynamo script. Could you please have a look at it when you can? I believe that I am doing something wrong with the coordinates…
Below a sketch of the desire result.

Thank you very much for the help!!

Translate IFC link.dyn (22.3 KB)
I70_BBH_LOP_K01_M65_F3_N401.rvt (2.5 MB)

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Maybe you need to convert the project base point coordinates in internal origin coordinates ?
Dynamo uses only the internal origin coordinates system.

Translate IFC link to PBP.dyn (14.9 KB)


I can’t remember the details- but viewing the IFC file in a text editor, possibly editing it sometimes does the trick

There is a line somewhere at the top of the file, something like line 19, IFCCARTESIANORIGIN- depending on your setup- this might need to be 0,0,0 or some other value

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Thank you Alban it worked like a charm!

Amazing! Thank you very much! One question: how does “shared” placement mode in the “Link IFC”-Node? I get “null” as a result. Revit does not support shared coordinates for IFC-Links right?

I don’t remember the conditions for which shared placement works.
Here is what the API says:
“Placement with respect to the shared coordinates. Revit Building places the imported geometry according to its location with respect to the shared coordinates between the two files. There must be shared coordinates in a Revit document in order for this option to be valid.”

Please start a new topic for new subject.

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