Method of opening, editing and savings Revit families


I appreciate this question has been asked before, I hope I’m just missing something as I can’t get it working.

I previously had a script which opened a set of Revit families in a Directory, added a shared parameters and saved + closed the document. This for whatever reason has stopped working. I havent changed Dynamo or Revit versions and currently using Revit 2020. I believe I did update my Orchid package though.

Below is the outlined steps which I used to open, modify and close the families. The error on the node is that is it expecting a project; not a family file.

Is there an alternative node I can use? Or just a different way of tackling this step? I’ve seen on other posts that Rhythm have a option to file, on downloading the package, I don’t have those nodes.

Any advice appreciated, Thanks!


check out these ones



Thank you!! exactly what I needed; never heard of crumple before this so double win.

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Let’s make it a triple win. I have a tutorial showing how the nodes can be used for this workflow using Crumple (my package, enjoy!);


Ahh perfect thank you!

Loving the python nodes too, I managed to change the save node to Saveas which helped my specific workflow.

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