Making pitched roofs over multiple solids

Hello everyone!
I would like to know how to automatically and simultaneously make pitched roofs on top of pre-existing solids (generic models in Revit) using dynamo.

Thanks in advance

Hello @VALENTINA.FEDE and welcome to the forum :wink: , could you show how far you are in dynamo ? but you could try look into wombat for create roof…

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Hello! Thank you very much for your quick reply. I just tested the script you suggested. However, it gives me this error

Hi @VALENTINA.FEDE in my example i just select some model lines in revit, seems you select something else…if you select a generic box then try select top face and take the perimeter curves and use them for roof boundary…and keep in mind the node expect so many slope as lines…ps which revit version are you in ?

Ah, I see. What type of knot should I use to do what you suggest?

Here is one way where i just select the face…if you want select the element then you could filter out the top surface with…ootb element faces


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Thank you very much. I don’t understand why the roof remains flat. Do I have to change some parameters in the family?

ok can you zoom in your image so we can see whats goin on with all nodes pinned

not sure…could you share that sample rvt you work on…if you cant upload then use filetransfer,webtransfer etc and share the link here…ps be sure you have 4 perimeter curves and 4 slopes

here it is … Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

thanks…i will take a look later…

allright now i hav tried you rvt…and right here we have a situation, guess its some imported like directshape so a little bit difficult get a decent perimeter…where is it comes from ? btw here is n example, i have only tried on one random building and could probably be another situation on other…just an example and can probably be made more robust…but could be a start…play around with it :wink:

rooftest.dyn (42.7 KB)

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The buildings you see are the result of another script also done on dynamo. It started from the perimeter, gave the measurements, extruded and created the solid. Anyway, thank you very much. I am testing the script and, as you can see, it is stuck at ‘execution started’.

remember push finish in left corner in revit, after selection…i will try some other buildings later and probably find a better way…

but something here seems to work on many buildings but not all here we need some cleanup


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OK, thank you. The script still doesn’t work, and as you can see, it gives me an error at ‘parameterName’.

yeah have to admit i have not tried all buildings…try my last example and see if it work there…and try always expand the nodes in image so we can see whats goin on

It works now! Thanks again. However, I don’t understand why there are no roof pitches

Good morning! Which version of Revit do you have? I’m thinking that maybe the problem could be the software version