Create roof by surface of mass

Good afternoon.
On this occasion I am trying to create roofs using some surfaces that I have obtained in dynamo, these surfaces are not flat surfaces, some are inclined surfaces.
In Revit there is a tool that is to create ROOFS BY SURFACES from a mass and that is what I am looking for,
could someone help me with which node or method in PYTHON I could use… thank you very much

I know you already replied to this thread, but in it you can see that they’re using a PostableCommand. A PostableCommand is a command that does not exist in the API and has to be run through the UI. You can use the API to initiate a PostableCommand in the UI, but you cannot pass it parameters or automate its execution. You would have to execute the rest of the command manually.

But it’s as if I created the covers one by one by selecting the cover by surface tool, if that is the case, what’s the point of automating or using code if it won’t be automatic…

That’s up for you to decide.

The API does not contain everything that’s available to the application. Some commands are in the API and can be automated. Some cannot. In some cases, postable commands may just be “prepackaged variations” of common workflows that do exist in the API and therefore have no need to be implemented separately. You can definitely create a roof to match the massing dimensions and then adjust the points to match slope. That’s all that’s happening and why there isn’t a specific command for Roofs By Surface - it can be done just by automating multiple existing steps.


Hi @AM3D.BIM.STUDIO for create roof you could try play around with these nodes here