List transpose error

Hi there all!

Im trying to get Dynamo to work with me, and not against me, but apparently that is not possible :slight_smile:

Im trying to get dynamo to export ElementID and a simple “yes/no” parameter to Excel, but every time i try to do this. The information gets exported to one line, in stead og one for each instance…

I do believe that it is because of the “list.transpose” node, but I cant figure out what to do differently? I lists all my “yes/no” data under the first “0 list”, but just answers “null” to all the rest?

Someone please help, I need to export these parameters to Excel, so I can update information there, and then import dem back in again.

Hi @bjkris
I think you should flatten the lunchbox node

OHH THANK YOU Francois! that was, that I was looking for!