All I’m trying to do is write to all instances of a parameter from a list if IDs. But it’s only writing to two of the instances.
@duncan.lithgow , hi
there has to be a correlation between your elements (count) and your inputs!
Thanks @Draxl_Andreas
Basically what I’m trying to do is:
Category: ceiling
Find all Types names starting with “351”
Write “351” to SetParameterByName of all instances of those types
… there’s also a lookup and some other things going on to make sure that the “351” is a standard code and it’s mapped in a .csv file to some classification systems. So really I’m using 351 as a dictionary index to some other things. All of that is working, but at the type level. I need it to work at the instance level.
Hi @duncan.lithgow not 100;) but do you mean something…