List of Polycurves to Single curve

I am trying to create floor from lines. It is working fine but each polycurves creating separate floors. I need all polycuves to be single polycurve which should create a single floor.

Could you show your lines and also the drop down from the Surface.PerimeterCurves node?

See there are four rectangular polycurves. When drop these polycurves to Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel it is creating floors for each rectangular curves as separate. But I need all blocks to be in a single Floor or Element for that polycurves must be single object. Correct me if I wrong.

If you’re in 2022, maybe you can use one of the Crumple nodes:


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Hi @jostein_olsen the above node not working.

If you are in Revit 2022, make a single floor of any one of the shapes and edit the sketch to produce the desired result with the graph here: Sketch Lines - Edit, Copy, Paste - #20 by jacob.small

Typically the reason why this node doesn’t work for people is the list structure it expects. The curvelists input requires a list of list of lists of curves. I’m using Python and a predictable list input here so the structure is critical, I’ve built it to receive a list of finish boundaries from a list of rooms essentially. The floor and level inputs act like a longest lacing (so you can do 1 on many, or many on many).

See attached an example which creates a few floors from rooms with some holes. This only works in Revit 2022 onwards due to API limitations in older builds.

floors.rvt (1.7 MB)
floors crumple.dyn (10.1 KB)

Thanks for the shout-out to Crumple @jostein_olsen!

is there other methods if I am not using Revit 2022?

Floors with openings. Take the polycurve from the room which has the largest enclosed area, then put the others into separate lists to make as openings. It wont be like a sketch though unfortunately. Springs package has some nodes which can make floor/wall openings.

That or time to upgrade :slight_smile:

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Hi @GavinCrump FloorsByCurveLoops is working fine. Since it is creating separate floors for each room. Any suggestions to get single floor(single element) for Room 1 and 3.


Room 1 and 3 are two different rooms, so no I can’t see a way to generate them as one room unless you combine their boundary curves. Revit/Dynamo don’t really have a way to identify when that scenario should occur though so you’d need to program the logic of adding those curves together yourself.

In my case I’m not using rooms only model lines.

“it wont be like a sketch”
yes :frowning: … I wish to have sketch line for opening :frowning:

If you have model lines, then get them into a structure like the one I generated above. It’s all about the shape of your data here, not what generates it.

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wow! great its working thanks a lot.

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