List lists exported to excel

Hello everyone, I am in a project where I need to get the areas of several apartments and these will be exported to an excel sheet. The problem is that I need to create a cell that is only of circulations but in excel it shows them as if they were built areas and in another cell the circulation areas appear repeated and disordered as shown below.

I would like to know if there is something that can help me so that those circulation areas “Apartment area 1,2,3,4” remain in a different column and without repeating the data in the “apartment area” column without using paython codes if possible.
area_07_AB .dyn (150.6 KB)

Hello Nathalia,

It would be more helpful if you can share a screenshot so that we can see the outcomes of your node.

To move circulation areas into another columns, before importing your data to excel you need to separate these information and add them to the list.create node before the list.transpose.


Thank you emry-y, I understand how lists are made but in this case what I need is to filter two lists in this case “areas” and “name” so that I delete from the list “name spaces” the boxes that are called “pasillo” that is, The information is not repeated in the Excel table.
Do you know how I can filter two lists?

I’m trying with list.filterbyboolmask and list.combine but I really don’t know how to connect them to make the filter

What you need might be List.Filter which will filter the items and remove them from the list at the same time:

You’ll need to watch your list structure if you’re filtering multiple values at once. An == node is going to do a direct comparison and require list levels to check each value and then something like a List.AnyTrue node to filter for any of the conditions being met.