Hi Everyone
I am trying to use Dynamo to replace some characters in my Sheet Number, by dividing the number, and trying to combine again. But I have missed something basically, or I dont understand something - it doesn’t work. Can anyone help me along the way?
Could you post desired output? Or input-output
@K.Kvistgaard Hi,
Could you have a code block adding each input and manually putting in the hyphen?
Thank you guys, for quick feedback!!
And thanks Lknapton, that was exactly what I was looking for…
my desired output is like this: [0](Element name or id , (x, y, z) ) [1](Element name or id , (x, y, z) ) [2](Element name or id , (x, y, z) ) . . .
Joe start a new thread. The question isn’t clear as to what you’re trying to do.
sorry sir my question is in this topic : Getting Elements That Have Points Inside Their Boundingbox