I am trying to figure this out for my office and to streamline the process of creating exiting plans. My office uses a tag that tags the doors with the occupancy load, the provided width of the door/stair, and the required width of the door/stair. I am curious if anyone has gotten a Dynamo script to take the occupancy loads from rooms and place them in a door tag or a general tag. We need to show the occupancy load for each individual room, but then we also need to have the added values at the exterior doors. Has anyone come up with something that could do this? I am having trouble thinking how I could make this work.
You would easily find something that could help for a start by using the search field:
Yes I have done this. Will share sometime soon.
Have you been able to share this script yet? Just wanted to follow up on this.
It’s quite hard to believe that you did not find anything that could help you to get started. Why not googling if nothing suits your needs in the forum?
I haven’t, but it’s on my to-do list still and I’m making some headway, albeit slowly. Reverse engineering the plug-in to go back to Dynamo is harder than I’d thought.
I have actually started working on something of my own, but haven’t been able to get it to work just yet. Just wanted to see if anyone else has made some headway on this more than I have. Just trying to juggle many things at once at the moment
Don’t hesitate to show your attempts, there are plenty of people willing to help and it could also let us find solutions or related links without spending too much time on it.
Of course
This could help for instance:
My 2 cents:
You need to do some mapping of parameters here.
You need an extra Shared Parameter set to the Doors category where you can store the values. (Set it to instance)
The occupancy loads are Room parameters.
Doors have From and To parameters that will give you the Roomnumbers.
So get the two categories and All Elements of category.
Use GetParameterValueByName and extract the parameters RoomNumber from the Doors “From and To” parameter and match those with the roomnumbers of the rooms themselves. If they match, get the Occupany Loads they should have the same index in the lists.
Now you’ll need to check which roomnumber from the Doors to and from parameter you will need to map the Occupancy load to, for you will have two roomnumbers belonging to one Door.
If you need to set them to both to and from then you will need two Shared parameters set to the Door category. And you need to set the new parameters to the DoorTags aswell.
I will give you only the line of thinking i would use (but that can change )
Im not at a computer with Revit on it at this time.
There might be a Global Parameter trick…im not sure…but you cannot tag those i believe.
This one could also interest you:
This much I can help with right now - it’s actually two parameters. One for the number of occupants at the element, and one for the required egress width.
Also I may have to make some additional alterations due to the BiMorph update.
Interesting add to an egress graph.
I think I’d have the loads for each room not follow the path, however, but dump into the space that precedes the exits for the area, add up all of those values, divide that by the number of exits, and push that into the exits themselves. At least that’s how I understand the code…
From memory i saw a post one time of @Zach_Kron where he was working in the Labs with automatic Dynamo script embedded in the family, where a Door would change to FireRating 60 min. if it was placed in a Wall with that parameter value…which could leed to Door Width changing by Occupancy loads…and on and on…
Pretty soon, we won’t need people to do architecture… or at least not nearly as many.
I am they said that when they switched to CAD instead of hand drawing. My office hasn’t suffered and I’m pretty sure most who saw that transition will agree. The difference is that’s we won’t have to spend so much time revisiting the nuts and bolts, and will instead spend time doing design or issue the job faster.
That is assuming that you can find a client who wants the better design instead of the same design issues faster…
Agree. The more things are standardized, automated and therefore easy to execute, the greater the chance that they will be executed at lower costs in the future.