Linking Dynamo To Revit - IMPORTINSTANCE.BYGEOMETRY not working

Hello Everyone,
Hereby m running into some silly issues and want u pple to help me solve it…
i have a generic model in revit as elevation treatment of a building facade which i want to edit in dynamo and so did i scripted it out and its perfectly responding is dynamo when i linked the revit file to dynamo but the moment i connect the SOLID DIFFERENCE BY ALL node to IMPORT GEOMETRY BY INSTANCE node as u see in file the wheel keeps steering for hours and nothing really happens …plz help me out resolve my issue and revert back asap.
Hereby M attaching Dynamo Script & due to max upload size allowed the revit file is not uploaded but m sure u my query is clear with this 2 jpegs and script
Thanks In Advance
Script.dyn (22.6 KB)

Hi @Kumar_Kapadia

When you drop any script drop also rvt file along with that. It will helps others who is trying to help you.

The file size is 3232 KB i isolated only the component which needs to be edited then too the file size exceeds 3072 and RAR format is also not allowed…how can i upload that file ?

The simple query is how to add the edited geometry in dynamo back to revit ? U can create a simple 4" thick rectangle selected the top and bottom edge and make this script work its as simple as that …

Drop the files in google drive or dropbox and share the link here. >>>>> Here’s the link to Revit File

@Kumar_Kapadia Try this.

That worked but was just trying a couple of options doing the same thing…

Same issue for me as well Distorted Geometry and when i hover the mouse over the generic model doesn’t shows the Material and Name Parameter which is associated in the DYNAMO NODE …

If by Springs.DirectShape.ByGeometry then how to apply material after taken it to revit…bcoz clicking it doesn’t shows the option of assign a material …

See there’s no option to assign material and neither u can edit type to filter by comments or image

And the one created by Springs node allows edit type but again how to assign material Bcoz its a generic model which is made by extursion and have to go in edit mode but then u can assign the material to model created in revit not to the one edited in dynamo

only thing i can’t assign it a different material like when w do to generic model edit mode or wall or door or anything …i mean apply a different paint or wooden material something like that neither by springs node nor by direct nodes