ImportInstance node is not working.
Previously it was imported into Revit.
I don’t know why the error occurs.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
my version is
Revit: 2025
Dynamo core:
Dynamo Revit:
ImportInstance node is not working.
Previously it was imported into Revit.
I don’t know why the error occurs.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
my version is
Revit: 2025
Dynamo core:
Dynamo Revit:
@JIHOON - Can you please show the warning itself? If you use the Graph Node Manager you can copy the Warning itself and paste here
Issue is
ImportInstance.ByGeometry operation failed.
Could not obtain ImportInstance from imported Element
Thanks for reply!!
@JIHOON this looks like the ImportGeometryFile node is working and creating geometry (Great!), but after that the DynamoRevit node ImportInstance is failing to somehow process the geometry from within Dynamo.
Would it be possible to upload the DWG you are using for this so we can test?
Also can you confirm if geometry scaling is set to medium? If anything other than medium can you try to reproduce with the setting on medium?
The following pop-up appears in the guidance window, so you cannot attach files.
“Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.”
I tried to attach files when I posted the article, but it failed.
I was able to insert images, so I captured the CAD window.
All of meshes are 3D solid.
Increased your trust level, so you should be able to post. Clear your browser cache if not. If that still doesn’t fix it you can use a 3rd party service like Dropbox, Onedrive, Box, GoogleDrive, WeTransfer, etc…
Here are attachments!
import Ring Beam Stiffner.dyn (57.1 KB)
01 Ring Beam Stiffner_Diaphragm.dwg (5.0 MB)
02 Ring Beam Stiffner_Diaphragm STIFF.dwg (883.5 KB)
03 Ring Beam Stiffner_RB outside.dwg (1.8 MB)
04 Ring Beam Stiffner_RB outside STIFF.dwg (1004.9 KB)
05 Ring Beam Stiffner_RB inside.dwg (1.8 MB)
06 Ring Beam Stiffner_RB inside STIFF.dwg (929.3 KB)
07 Ring Beam Stiffner_RB lower FL.dwg (2.4 MB)
08 Ring Beam Stiffner_RB upper FL.dwg (2.2 MB)
Thank you @JIHOON - We’ll take a look shortly after we get some critical Dynamo work done, so this may take a couple of weeks
Thank you for sharing the DWGs and DYN @JIHOON! We’ve taken a look and have a workaround for today, and a fix in the works:
Reason this is happening:
There was a bugfound due to binary incompatibility between Revit’s version of a component that allows for Geometry Import/Export (More recent version) than the version existing in the Dynamo Built-In Package that also allows for Geometry Import/Export (older version). This bug manifests when Dynamo loads this component first before Revit - i.e. the component is initialized.
Workaround you can do:
If you force load Revit’s version of this Geometry Import/Export component before you try to use it in Dynamo, it will use the correct version. To do this you should be able to workaround the issue by importing a simple SAT, SKP, OBJ or Rhino file (Please do note, however, that DWG/DGN/DXF will not work) in your Revit active session before running the Dynamo graph. It doesn’t even need to be the same Project, but does need to be in the same active session of Revit.Steps:
- Open throwaway project side-by-side with your Revit project
- Import any supported file type of anything simple (e.g. Cube) into this throwaway project
- Close, or leave open throwaway project
- Run Dynamo graph in Primary project
Fix we are working on:
We are going to better synchronize the versions of this Geometry Import/Export component so they don’t get out of sync in the not-to-distant future. Technically speaking, components that are the same are no longer going to have numerous copies across many different applications, but rather share a common location to load from. This means they will all load the same component, of the same version and we’ll stop running into version compatibility problems