Library Load Failure

Dear Dynamo specialists,

I have downloaded Revit 2024 and installing all my packages.
Then I received the following message.

I would like to connect all the engineers to the central C-storage what is giving the problem with loading the packages that is in this map of the C-storage.

Could anyone help me?

A few things here.

By the sounds of it when you downloaded the packages they may not have been unblocked to remove the mark of the web before you unzipped them. This is a security feature which means you have ti manually take a few extra actions to resolve. Search ‘unblock zip’ or ‘remove mark of the web’ for instructions on how to resolve.

The second issue, it is not recommended to load packages from a shared location. This is because network security updates can block access, and tools will load annd execute slower. Instead it is recommended to copy the files onto users systems via robocopy, group policy, an on-demand tool, or another means.