Join geometry in link models

hello @all,
does someone has experience with joining elements in linked models?
Element.joinGeometry is not working…


@kevin.scholtyssekM76 ,

you have to open the model at all, and reload it to your file. If it is one model. Open the file in a secound revit: edit → save → reload.



there are three separat models in total… so 2 models referenced into one… and in this overall model i would like to join the elements… but i dont know how to get the linked models ‘readable’ :confused:

If you need to join an element in Linked A project according to its intersections with Linked B model, I suggest you to open Dynamo in Linked A project and you can use bimorphnodes package to get elements from Linked B project and run an intersection method.

You can also run InterferenceCheck Report in Revit to make a catagory based intersection report then use it with Parse.InterferenceCheck node from the spring node package. It helps you run a clash analysis between categories.

I hope this was helpful. Please let me know if you need further assistance!

Good luck!

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thank you @emrullah.yildiz for giving me this input :slight_smile:

i get the affected elements now, but i can not join them … i think i have to do a little research on this topic…but thanky anyway :slight_smile:

Hi Kevin,

It is great that you made a kick off. You should use Bimorphnodes package to get the linked elements geometry by filtering elements by id. then you will be able to make a geometry intersect function. Here a break down of the steps:

  1. Import the interference check report
  2. Split effected elements (element Id of linked elements, main model elements)
  3. Find all linked elements by category using bimorpnode package
  4. Filter linked elements by id from interference check report
  5. Create dynamo geometry from main model elements and linked elements
  6. Intersect dynamo geometries(result will be multiple solids)
  7. Unify all solids and then bake them into Revit as a void family object for this use this node from spring nodes:
  8. Join or cut main model elements with the unified solid family for this use CutElements node from HotGear package
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Hello @emrullah.yildiz,
thank you for giving me the steps :slight_smile:
but why do you want to make a unified dynamo geometry, when i can join model elements directly together?
or is it working for linked model elements then?

Unfortunately in Revit, you cannot join main model element with the linked element. So I need two main model elements.

One of the solutions is to transform each Revit geometry(main and linked) to Dynamo geometry and continue steps there. Then, bake the intersecting geometry back to the Revit model to cut or join.

ok thanks for answering those questions… i tried now to cut them like in the description…

although the success appears… the elements are not cutted… so i really dont know how to solve this.
but thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Hi Kevin,

It is amazing that you managed to come this level. Here is an example of work. Please keep in your mind that you are making a cut operation between the main model element and the intersecting part which is baked as a void to Revit:

ClashDetectionAndCut.dyn (87.0 KB)

Please let me know if you need further help! You can ignore the steps explanation in the script. It needs to be updated since I simplified the code.

hey there,
sorry for the late response, the last weeks were quiet busy for me…
unfortunately i haven`t the time to look it up but i remember i tried to make some voids and cutting them with the modelelements from the current model… but i had the problem with makeing the instances, because i wanted to load them in as a family - do you think this might work out with a directshape?